• Just as the water reflects the stars and the moon, the body reflects the mind and soul.

Upcoming Events

woman's support group

Goddess Moon Circle

Welcome to our Gathering of Women!

We are so excited to share in circle with you. Read on and see if our mission aligns with you.


Bring women together to connect with themselves and others in a safe inclusive space.

Together we will tap into our intuition and empower our feminine wild.

Embodying the full expression of ourselves in every moment.

Contact Michele to Book your spot and RSVP

Email: soundintuitions@gmail.com

Text or call: 412-657-4203


  • I have been in traditional therapy for years with the intention of working through some heavy internalized traumas and behavioral patterns. while therapy has been useful, it has never had quite the impact that I got from working with Michele through her intuitive mentoring. After our sessions I have already broken through a barrier that has held me back for over a decade. I think it is the way that she guided me through the internal mess and helped deliver me to some form of acceptance. That helped uncover an innate knowingness within me. It was energetically healing and mentally a huge weight lifted."

    Lauren W.

  • have been seeing Michele for sports massage for the last 4 years. She provides professional service and is flexible in scheduling. The massages have been deep tissue, relaxation and cupping massage. I feel regular 2 week massages have significantly helped in my recovery from workouts and races. I strongly recommend Michele for massage therapy services."

    Dr. Greg Christenson

  • "I have been to quite a few sound baths but never one quite so unique. I was able to go to a place of relaxation I could never go with traditional meditation."

    Susan K.

A Medicine woman’s prayer

I will not rescue you,

for you are not powerless.

I will not fix you,

for you are not broken.

I will not heal you,

for I see you in your wholeness.

I will walk with you through the darkness,

as you remember your light.